Tag: Coping Mechanisms

Behaviours and patterns adapted for coping with trauma.

An Introduction to 12 Rules for Life

An Introduction to 12 Rules for Life A diagram of Peterson's 12 Rules for Life

Reading Time: 7 mins After my last post on the three underrated ingredients of recovery, I’ve found myself thinking more about what has helped me in my journey so far. One resource that I’ve come back to several times over the past three years is 12 Rules For Life by Jordan B Peterson. Dr Peterson has earned quite a […]

What Is Recovery? 3 Underrated Ingredients

What Is Recovery? 3 Underrated Ingredients Diagram of recovery showing the ingredients of Stability, self-awareness and service

Reading Time: 7 mins Mental Health Awareness month is nearly over and this year it’s been awash with debate. One of the things that has been brought up time and again is the subject of recovery. Many charities have spread “success stories” to help raise awareness. This has led to a backlash, with legitimate criticism that these stories whitewash […]

5 Things Survivors Should Know About Psychosis

5 Things Survivors Should Know About Psychosis

Reading Time: 9 mins Part 3 of the “15 Things You Need to Know About Psychosis” Phew, it’s been waiting in the wings for nearly two years, but here it is. My top five things survivors should know about psychosis. The previous two posts focused on medical professionals and loved ones, but this one is solely about us. People […]

Why I Must Stay Well

Why I Must Stay Well my reasons to stay well

Reading Time: 7 mins Finding Meaning in Recovery Another week is drawing to a close, and it’s been a bit of a tough one. The come-down from the heady successes of last week has begun in earnest, and my mood has swung between numb and restless. As I said in last Sunday’s post (which you can read here), my […]

Dancing to the Self-Loathing Tango

Dancing to the Self-Loathing Tango self-loathing

Reading Time: 4 mins Or How I Always Kill My Darlings… What a Week! As I stated in my post last Sunday, this week I have been stepping up for my manager. It’s been a tiring and challenging week, but I have the pleasure of being able to say it went surprisingly well. As a team, we’ve had very […]