Tag: Psychosis

About symptoms of psychosis

3 Practical Tips for Returning to Work After Mental Illness

3 Practical Tips for Returning to Work After Mental Illness Returning to work after mental illness

Reading Time: 7 mins Returning to Work After Mental Illness is Challenging Work is hard… well… work, and mental illness complicates everything. Returning to work after mental illness is no exception. A debilitating lack of energy, racing thoughts, and distressing low moods can make returning to work feel impossible. People often get trapped in a cycle of coming back to […]

5 Things Survivors Should Know About Psychosis

5 Things Survivors Should Know About Psychosis

Reading Time: 9 mins Part 3 of the “15 Things You Need to Know About Psychosis” Phew, it’s been waiting in the wings for nearly two years, but here it is. My top five things survivors should know about psychosis. The previous two posts focused on medical professionals and loved ones, but this one is solely about us. People […]

5 Things Every Loved One Should Know About Psychosis

5 Things Every Loved One Should Know About Psychosis 5 things loved ones need to know about psychosis

Reading Time: 8 mins Part 2 of the “15 Things You Need to Know About Psychosis” Series I’m sorry this post is late. In truth, this is a difficult one for me to write, so I’ve been putting it off. Last week I talked about the things I wished mental health professionals had known when they were treating me. […]

5 Things All Mental Health Professionals Should Know About Psychosis

5 Things All Mental Health Professionals Should Know About Psychosis 5 things professionals should know about psychosis

Reading Time: 10 mins Part 1 of the “15 Things You Need To Know About Psychosis” Series A little while ago, I was asked on Twitter to write about what I think people need to know about psychosis. It was a question that got me thinking about my experience and the effect it had on those around me. Throughout […]

Managers’ Tips for Mental Health Support

Managers’ Tips for Mental Health Support

Reading Time: 6 mins 5 Must-Do’s to Support Colleagues with Mental Illness This coming week my manager – B – will be on holiday. I’ll be stepping into her shoes and managing our team of 20 people; it’s a daunting and exciting prospect. I’ve been deputising for her on and off over the past year, but I’ve not yet […]