5 Things Every Loved One Should Know About Psychosis

5 Things Every Loved One Should Know About Psychosis 5 things loved ones need to know about psychosis

Reading Time: 8 mins Part 2 of the “15 Things You Need to Know About Psychosis” Series I’m sorry this post is late. In truth, this is a difficult one for me to write, so I’ve been putting it off. Last week I talked about the things I wished mental health professionals had known when they were treating me. […]

5 Things All Mental Health Professionals Should Know About Psychosis

5 Things All Mental Health Professionals Should Know About Psychosis 5 things professionals should know about psychosis

Reading Time: 10 mins Part 1 of the “15 Things You Need To Know About Psychosis” Series A little while ago, I was asked on Twitter to write about what I think people need to know about psychosis. It was a question that got me thinking about my experience and the effect it had on those around me. Throughout […]

Hitting the Reset Button

Hitting the Reset Button reset

Reading Time: 9 mins How to Recover From a Stress Meltdown Firstly, sorry in advance for the epic-length post. I’m trying not to feel guilty for not posting last week. I wrote a post but ended up falling asleep before putting it up. When Monday evening came around, I wasn’t in a fit state to do much of anything, […]

Finding Freedom in Taking Responsibility

Finding Freedom in Taking Responsibility responsibility

Reading Time: 8 mins This week I’ve struggled for something to write about. I’ve had so many doubts it’s been hard to pin a good topic down. Last week I spoke about my reasons for striving to stay well, and in my post, I touched on the notion that responsibility has a large part to play in my recovery. […]

Why I Must Stay Well

Why I Must Stay Well my reasons to stay well

Reading Time: 7 mins Finding Meaning in Recovery Another week is drawing to a close, and it’s been a bit of a tough one. The come-down from the heady successes of last week has begun in earnest, and my mood has swung between numb and restless. As I said in last Sunday’s post (which you can read here), my […]

Dancing to the Self-Loathing Tango

Dancing to the Self-Loathing Tango self-loathing

Reading Time: 4 mins Or How I Always Kill My Darlings… What a Week! As I stated in my post last Sunday, this week I have been stepping up for my manager. It’s been a tiring and challenging week, but I have the pleasure of being able to say it went surprisingly well. As a team, we’ve had very […]

Managers’ Tips for Mental Health Support

Managers’ Tips for Mental Health Support

Reading Time: 6 mins 5 Must-Do’s to Support Colleagues with Mental Illness This coming week my manager – B – will be on holiday. I’ll be stepping into her shoes and managing our team of 20 people; it’s a daunting and exciting prospect. I’ve been deputising for her on and off over the past year, but I’ve not yet […]

Rule 2: Treat Yourself Like Someone You’re Responsible for Helping

Rule 2: Treat Yourself Like Someone You’re Responsible for Helping Treat Yourself Like Someone You're Responsible for Helping

Reading Time: 8 mins Welcome back to my 12 Rules For Life Series. In this post, we’ll be discussing the 2nd rule of the book: Treat Yourself Like Someone You’re Responsible for Helping. While the chapter is possibly a little bloated (there are sections which make similar points somewhat repetitively), Peterson explores a wealth of different ideas and touches […]

3 Practical Tips for Returning to Work After Mental Illness

3 Practical Tips for Returning to Work After Mental Illness Returning to work after mental illness

Reading Time: 7 mins Returning to Work After Mental Illness is Challenging Work is hard… well… work, and mental illness complicates everything. Returning to work after mental illness is no exception. A debilitating lack of energy, racing thoughts, and distressing low moods can make returning to work feel impossible. People often get trapped in a cycle of coming back to […]

12 Rules for Life Deep-Dive: Rule 1

12 Rules for Life Deep-Dive: Rule 1 12 rules - stand up straight with your shoulders back

Reading Time: 12 mins Stand Up Straight with your Shoulders Back Peterson starts off 12 Rules with a rule which sets the tone for the rest of the book. Stand up straight with your shoulders back is a call to the reader: you have a duty to stand up for what you believe and take your place in the […]

An Introduction to 12 Rules for Life

An Introduction to 12 Rules for Life A diagram of Peterson's 12 Rules for Life

Reading Time: 7 mins After my last post on the three underrated ingredients of recovery, I’ve found myself thinking more about what has helped me in my journey so far. One resource that I’ve come back to several times over the past three years is 12 Rules For Life by Jordan B Peterson. Dr Peterson has earned quite a […]

What Is Recovery? 3 Underrated Ingredients

What Is Recovery? 3 Underrated Ingredients Diagram of recovery showing the ingredients of Stability, self-awareness and service

Reading Time: 7 mins Mental Health Awareness month is nearly over and this year it’s been awash with debate. One of the things that has been brought up time and again is the subject of recovery. Many charities have spread “success stories” to help raise awareness. This has led to a backlash, with legitimate criticism that these stories whitewash […]

5 Things Survivors Should Know About Psychosis

5 Things Survivors Should Know About Psychosis

Reading Time: 9 mins Part 3 of the “15 Things You Need to Know About Psychosis” Phew, it’s been waiting in the wings for nearly two years, but here it is. My top five things survivors should know about psychosis. The previous two posts focused on medical professionals and loved ones, but this one is solely about us. People […]

The LBT Reboot

The LBT Reboot My blog reboot

Reading Time: 5 mins Little Big Thoughts is Back Okay, so… Uh… It’s been a while! Too long… Definitely. Too. Long. The truth is, I never meant to leave it this long. We never do, do we? But I began to struggle with writing, life rolled on, and eventually, I found myself having not posted anything for six months… […]